How to Make a Butterfly Origami

Origami, the Japanese art of paper-folding, dates back centuries. Origami creations range from simple and delightful to complex and astounding. It’s a fairly straightforward design that yields a nice-looking butterfly!

Origami Butterfly Instructions

Fold paper in half on the vertical axis. Crease well and unfold.

We’re going to cut out 1/4 of the paper. Cut at the crease line made in Step 2. Discard the small strip of paper.

Fold paper in half on the horizontal axis.

Pry paper open on the right side. Bring the top right corner to the center then make a squash fold by pressing paper flat.

Flip paper over.

Fold paper in half on the vertical axis.

Pry paper open on the right side. Once again, make a squash fold by bringing the top right corner to the center then pressing paper flat.

Rotate paper 180 degrees.

Fold down the upper layers.

Crease the center line so that the origami butterfly is not completely flat.


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